How to find IDs and Identifiers in VRChat (for Users, Worlds & Avatars)

  • Updated

Locating Account, World, and Avatar identifiers is an important part of navigating VRChat. Whether you need to access your Account username, retrieve IDs for specific Worlds, or locate unique Avatar identifiers, understanding these processes can help you navigate VRChat more effectively.

This guide details how to locate and use IDs and identifiers to enhance and personalize your virtual interactions.

User Identifiers

VRChat Accounts can be identified by several different factors. It is important not to mix these up, as it can lead to confusion and make troubleshooting difficult. We'll break down what these mean individually.


World Identifiers

VRChat Worlds can be identified immediately by two distinct identifiers: a world name and the world's author. 


Avatar Identifiers

VRChat avatars can be identified using several different factors. Here's a breakdown of each one!