I'm not getting emails from VRChat

  • Updated

There are several reasons why you might not be receiving an e-mail from VRChat in your inbox. We've put together a list of possible reasons sorted by the issues that we most commonly see when helping out with Support Requests.

Possible issues receiving e-mails

  • You're using the wrong e-mail: This is the issue that we most commonly see. If you're sending yourself an e-mail, such as a password recovery e-mail, make sure you're checking the correct e-mail address. We always suggest that users check all possible e-mail addresses they might have used just in case.

  • You're using a platform account (Steam / Oculus / Viveport): This is another common issue that we see very frequently. Platform accounts, such as the ones you use to sign in through a platform such as Steam / Oculus / Viveport without entering any credentials do not have an e-mail address associated with them. As such, we do not have a password or e-mail associated with your account and cannot send you a password recovery e-mail.

    There are several ways to do it, but here's one easy way to identify whether you have a VRChat account or a platform account:


  • VRChat is marked as spam / junk: Many services incorrectly mark emails from VRChat as spam. Please check your spam/junk folder for our emails. Please also ensure you aren't blocking emails from noreply@vrchat.com. You may need to add this to your list of contacts.

    If you're using Hotmail (Outlook or Live) or Yahoo, make sure you triple-check your Spam inbox. You can search using the terms "from:noreply@vrchat.com in:Junk".

  • Some providers may collect emails from the same service into a single entry, instead of multiple e-mails: You should be able to find the newest one by opening the thread and scrolling to the bottom.

  • Still not seeing e-mails?: If you're still not seeing any signs of our emails coming through and you're CERTAIN you entered the correct email address, it's possible that our emails are being discarded by your email provider. In these cases, we'd recommend changing the email address on your account to a different one.

    In the past, we've had issues with some (but not all) Yahoo, QQ and Hotmail email addresses. You can change the email address via the Profile page: https://vrchat.com/home/profile