Common Menu / HUD / UI Issues

  • Updated

The following are some of the common issues we see users contact us about with different menus and user interfaces.

I can't see join notifications, microphone indicator, or my face mirror

The following settings can cause you to not see some or all of your HUD elements:

  1. HUD Detail Level when set to Minimal or Off
    • Off will hide all HUD elements
    • Minimal will hide Join / Leave Notifications, Friend Requests, and Invites.
  2. HUD Opacity when set to 0%
    • 0% will hide all HUD elements
  3. Mic Opacity when set to 0%
    • 0% will hide the Mic Indicator even when set to be Always On

They can be found in the User Interface section of the Main Menu Settings tab. If you are having issues finding the correct section, you can use the Settings search to search for HUD and find the relevant settings. The Mic Indicator has additional settings in the Microphone section of the Audio & Voice tab.


Can't select options in Action Menu

If you have Flick Select turned off, you must confirm your selection by using the trigger on your controller.

Flick Select can be turned back on from the Action Menu Options > Action Menu > Flick Select.

The option to change it is only selectable while in VR.


The Main Menu is locked in the wrong orientation

In some cases, the Main Menu can get locked in the wrong orientation.

To unlock, use the lock icon in the corner, and then you can drag it to a better location.